Name: Belt Pouch-Holder Holster Torch-Cover-Case Rotatable-Flashlight Tactical Hunting-Lighting-Accessory
SKU: p3KZmMwZ6
Rated 4.5/5
based on 27 Reviews
Tactical Corps Store
Price :$2.88 In stock
Best Sports Bags from Tactical Corps Store for Belt Pouch-Holder Holster Torch-Cover-Case Rotatable-Flashlight Tactical Hunting-Lighting-Accessory
you can view comparison shopping sites to help improve your shopping capabilities. These web sites will show you the same product and present you with top businesses offering the same Belt Pouch-Holder Holster Torch-Cover-Case Rotatable-Flashlight Tactical Hunting-Lighting-Accessory. That even shows the value for money including shipping costs, which could expedite your online shoping....Read Detail
Customer reviews:
Date: 11 Apr 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
esacto lo que quería.. es para lampara pero yo lo usaré para transportar mi gel antibacterial, el elástico tiene buena presión y la cinta con Velcro refuerza bien el agarre.. el clip gira 360 grados... 14 días e llegar a Veracruz México..buen producto
Date: 27 Oct 2020Logistics: AliExpress Saver Shipping
Funda para linterna de buena calidad. Para mi linterna queda un poco prieta pero está bien. Lo de rotarla está francamente duro
Date: 21 Nov 2020Logistics: Cainiao Super Economy Global
good item, can attach to molle.
Date: 19 Feb 2021Logistics: AliExpress Saver Shipping
Удобно. Разные фонарики держатся намертво
Date: 18 Nov 2020Logistics: Cainiao Super Economy
Pretty solid item to use. 360° works quite fine =)
AliExpress Shopper
Date: 17 Nov 2020Logistics: AliExpress Saver Shipping
It works for what is made. Looks like good quality
Date: 04 Nov 2020Logistics: Cainiao Super Economy
Very good quality.
Date: 26 Oct 2020Logistics: 4PX Singapore Post OM Pro
thanks to Tactical Corps Store for Belt Pouch-Holder Holster Torch-Cover-Case Rotatable-Flashlight Tactical Hunting-Lighting-Accessory
Date: 06 Dec 2020Logistics: AliExpress Saver Shipping
el producto vino roto, abrí disputa y me dijeron que tenía que devolverlo para que me hicieran el reembolso los gastos de envío eran carísimos por lo que no pude devolverlo. he pagado 4,57€ por un producto roto por lo tanto llevar cuidado donde compráis Aliexpress ya no ofrece garantías.
Date: 14 Nov 2020Logistics: Cainiao Super Economy
never received after now 3.5 months ..... impossible to have a refund from seller , communication difficult with seller ,doesnt answer email or ask to wait and always wait more weeks... .... after complain >thanks to aliexpress refund team!
AliExpress Shopper
Date: 11 Dec 2020Logistics: Cainiao Super Economy Global
thanks to Tactical Corps Store for Belt Pouch-Holder Holster Torch-Cover-Case Rotatable-Flashlight Tactical Hunting-Lighting-Accessory